Monday, November 21, 2011

CONSTITUTIONAL REMEDY - The True Homoeopathic Approach

Very often we come across this statement - "Homoeopathy treats you completely with constitutional remedy."

Very little does one understand what this statement exactly means. The exact approach of a homoeopath is in the word Constitution.

What is a 'Constitution'?

"Constitution is simply the sum total of an individual's characteristics that are potentially determined at the moment of fertilization."
Its an inherent tendency to respond automatically along predetermined individual characteristic patterns.

For example.:-
Consider four people ordering a bowl of soup at a restaurant. As their order is served all of them finds a hair in their respective bowls but interestingly each one gives out a different kind of reactions.

  • The first person gets angry and throws the bowl of soup at the waiter.
  • The second person shows disgust, shrugs off and walks out of the restaurant with no regrets.
  • The third person breaks into crying fits.
  • The fourth person looks at the hair, removes it from his soup and goes on eating. He even further orders the main  course.

Now the interesting find is that, the reactions of these four different people depicts nothing but four different characteristic giving out reactions in the same type of situation. Amazingly these reactions are not elective but per-programmed and compulsive. Therefore each individual reacts according  to his very own innate, pre-
determined emotional pattern, that makes him impossible to react otherwise.

Now suppose if a person by his own will and self discipline tries to change or control his reaction. He may definitely succeed but only at expense of ample amount of energy that he will require to suppress his natural sets of reaction for every situation. This happens because there will be a direct conflict between his innate pattern and his suppressive attempt. And this very conflict leads to sufferings which is basically the pathology, the disease.

In today's busy competitive world not a single person can live life that will allow him to constantly expose his innate emotional patterns, because this innate emotional patterns may not always be acceptable in the social world he lives in. This might cause a certain discord to his innate emotional patterns as living in the social world he might need to change some reaction which are not acceptable by the people around him. Therefore this attempt of change in his own innate emotional pattern leads to suppression, and ultimately sufferings i.e "pathos" thus pathologically threatening the harmony.

Solution :-
To overcome this pathology or the sufferings, the person has to adapt himself to his own constitution, by finding different pattern of his form. This can be done only by using correct therapeutic measures. As homoeopathy studies the aggregate of hereditary characters, influenced more or less by the environment and the individual reactions to stress of the environment, it helps you to know your real self at the time you were bred. It also helps you to understand your ingrained habits and compulsive drives.

Constitutional study :-
A homoeopathic consultant during his case-taking sessions studies every aspect of the patient's life. His reactions to the life circumstances, His achievements and His failures. After knowing these aspects, it allows him/her to form a picture of his patient's character, which is nothing but your 'constitutional picture or remedy' This constitutional picture or remedy (can) reveals his innate emotional pattern (only) through conscious confrontations and further lead to transformation for good.

In Homoeopathy constitutional remedy considers the deeper totality and treats the patients susceptibility by studying the disturbed energy levels which are giving rise to sufferings or pathology. This further helps to not only treat the disease manifests but also prevents the future manifests. 

Above all it can delay, postpone or even cancel the heridiatery manifests, thus also acting as a preventive therapy.

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